Custom Pricing

Estimates may change depending on how enthusiastic I am for the idea, or other foreseen complications in the filming process, this is mostly a guide for you to work from to estimate the price in advance. DM me to work out specifics!

Please be clear and professional with your intent. I enjoy working out specifics on a person-to-person basis, but will not waste my time if it sounds like you’re trying to take advantage of my attention under false pretenses.

Commissioner Status








$5 per photo or video under 30 seconds


10 for $40

50% off for candids


$15 Base

+$5/8 per additional minute, without/with dialog

Basic editing (2-5 cuts) +$5

Involved editing (audio work/many interspersed cuts) +%20


Cumshot: +$30

Custom tiny: +$20 (may be used in later work)

Your name in dialog: +$15

Exclusive access: x2 (will not be posted or resold Anywhere)

Extra Materials: Cover the cost, if needed

Curated Archive Bundles

(Bundles curated specifically to your personal tastes in subject matter, taken from my past archive of work)

$10+.50 per photo/video clip


100 for $50


2 cents per word, minimum $5

1 cent per word for prepared (and approved) scripts

Subject to increase for more complicated scenarios


Text Roleplay: $30 +10 per additional "action*"

Photoset Roleplay (text roleplay with photos and video clips for each scene): Regular pricing plus photo rate. Amount can be purchased upfront, or paid for individually during session depending on where the session is hosted.

* A simple "I meet you, shrink you, and step on you" premise has an intro and two actions, the shrinking process and the stepping, adding to $40. I might shave the price down if you dont care for a detailed description of either. Generally, if it's something you want to hear described by me in detail, expect that to raise the price.

Will Do:

Will not do:

Tools I have available:

Personal Preferences

(hazier clarifications that may impact pricing or priority)